Support the Business


I am always extremely happy when anyone chooses to support me and this small business. The best part about this is that there are lots of ways to do this Without Spending Money. One of the most difficult items when starting a small business is simply letting people know you exist. Paid advertising only goes so far on a small budget and is often quite slow. Everyone wants to claim how great free advertising is on social media but if you'd ever try it you'll find out due to Facebook's algorithm it's extremely hard for you to pop up for anyone to even see. There are lots of ways to maximize the "free advertising" of social media, however the catch 22 is that I can't be the one to do them, it has to be done by you.

Here is a list of Free ways to support:

Quicklinks embed in text for easy completion and navigation


Like and Follow on Social Media

>>Facebook<<, >>Instagram<<, >>Pinterest<<, >>Twitter<< and >>Linkedin<<


Like, Share and Comment on Posts

Without this Social Media platforms won't even show Posts to other Followers

Remember that emojis such as “Loving” are rated higher by Facebook then just “Liking”
If you don’t know what to write for a comment, just leave an emoji…Everything helps



Please tell any of your friends or family who are looking for furniture or household items

For even more help Please share our Facebook Page by following these steps:
Go to our >>Facebook Page<<, Select Tab “Community”, Select “Invite Friends”, Select “All”, and Send Invites!


Rate and Review

This can be done on both >>Google<< and >>Facebook<<


Let me know how I am doing, what's good, what's bad, how I can improve, and what you would like to see


Share our email Newsletter


How to support if you're planning on spending money:


Simply place a Custom Order or buy something already listed on the website, they make great gifts


I’m an Amazon Affiliate

If you were going to buy something on Amazon anyway just make the purchase after clicking my link and I get a percentage for sending you there with no cost to you,